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CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real- time. About breathingearth. Welcome to Breathing Earth. This real- time simulation displays the CO2 emissions of every country in the world, as well as their birth and death rates. I made this website back in 2. Flash- based website, it's now showing its age. Though the data it shows is no longer up- to- date, it's still indicative of where we're at.
I hope to remake breathingearth one day in HTML5 (more mobile friendly). I probably will eventually, but I'm crazy busy at the moment with Spryke . Please remember that this is just a simulation. Although the CO2 emission, birth rate and death rate data.
Breathing Earth. comes from reputable sources, data that measures things on such a. Please note however that the CO2 emission levels shown here are much more likely to be too low than they are to be too high. The Environment and Climate Change. Global warming (aka climate change) is almost without a doubt the most important. The worldwide scientific community is virtually unanimous in its agreement that global warming. If we let it get out of our control, the consequences - which will already begin occuring in most of our lifetimes - will be catastrophic. Just some of the consequences that can be reasonably expected are rising sea levels, more frequent and more severe natural disasters, large- scale food and water shortages, plagues, massive species extinctions, unprecendented numbers of refugees, intensified ethnic and political tensions, and a global economic depression the likes of which no one has ever seen.
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The situation is still within our grasp, but we must act now, we must act strongly, and we must act. Individuals, companies, and governments across the globe must each do what they can to reverse climate change.
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We will never get a second chance. What can I do? The good news is that there are plenty of things that we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. The key word is reduce. We can greatly lessen our impact on climate change by using the. There are many things we can. There are plenty of good resources on the web.
I encourage you to do your own research, though you might find some of the links below to be useful. More climate change info? Footprint Network footprint calculator - Figure out your own ecological footprint. An international campaign building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis. Fight Climate Change with Diet Change. Find out why the meat industry produces more greenhouse gases than.
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SUVs, cars, trucks, planes, and ships in the world combined. Where does the data come from? Birth and death rates: 2. CIA World Factbook. Population: Data is based on July 2. CIA World Factbook.
When Breathing Earth is started, it uses each country's birth and death rates to calculate how populations have changed since July 2. It continues adjusting the various population figures as you watch it, each time a person is born or a person dies. CO2 emission rates: 2. Watch Mean Girls 2 Online Free HD.
United Nations Statistics Division. Ice Guardians Online Putlocker. These are the most up- to- date figures as of October 2. Collating CO2 emissions data for every country on Earth, representing the same time period, is undoubtedly a massive and very complex task that relies on the availability of many other sets of data.
This probably explains why the most recent CO2 emissions data available is from 2. CO2 emission rates from four years earlier: When Breathing Earth was first built, it used 2. United Nations Statistics Division. When you hover your mouse over a country, Breathing Earth compares the 2. CO2 emissions have increased or decreased in that time, using the red or green arrow that appears near the bottom- left. There was an unavailability of a portion of the data for a few of the tinier countries (eg. Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Lesotho).
In such cases, I made estimates based on their population, economy, and the data of their relevant neighbours. In all such cases, the figures were so low that even had my estimates been wildly inaccurate, the effect on the simulation would have been negligible. CO2 emissions: per country or per capita?
Some people ask why Breathing Earth focuses on the CO2 emissions per. After all, wouldn't the per capita. For. example, the citizens of Australia, Kuwait and Luxembourg are among the world's. CO2 emissions aren't very prominent. Breathing Earth because of those countries' relatively low populations. The fact of the matter, however, is that what is most important is how many c. Planet Earth. Although some countries are clearly much worse polluters than others.
One thing must surely be obvious though: The problem is largely a. Western one. It is the Western countries who are leading the way in CO2. Western countries have high CO2 emission rates. Western habits. Since we, the West, have been a leading cause of the CO2 emissions problem, surely it is we who must step up and be the leaders in the. Thanks for visiting.