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Knight (iii) Hazlitt (iv) Dryden (v) None of these (4) Kubla Khan was written by: (i) Wordsworth (ii) ST. Coleridge (iii) Shelley (iv) Keats (v) None of these (5) G. B. Shaw began his literary career first as: (i) Journalist (ii) Novelist (iii) Dramatist (iv) Critic (v) None of these (6) W. B. Yeats was born in: (i) 1.
None of these (7) Jane Austen’s work is transfused with the spirit of: (i) Classicism (ii) Puritanism (iii) Idealism (iv) Rationalism (v) None of these (8) The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot is an: (i) Ode (ii) Elegy (iii) Allegory (iv) Epic (v) None of these Waiting for Godot by S. Beckett was originally written in: (i) Italian (ii) Spanish (iii) German (iv) French (v) None of these. The _____ age tended to favour the taste and search for truth in art: (i) Classical (ii) Romantic (iii) Victorian (iv) Elizabethan (v) None of these. Maud and Inmemoriam were written by: (i) Tennyson (ii) Keats (iii) Pope (iv) Shelley (v) None of these (1.
Tennyson was born in: (i) 1. None of these(1. 3) _____ has a super abundant wealth of words and superfluous ornaments. (i) Hyperbole (ii) Metaphor (iii) Rhetoric (iv) Overtone (v) None of these(1. Keats’s aestheticism was later turned into: (i) Romanticism (ii) Pre- Raphaelitism (iii) Idealism (iv) Anglicanism (v) None of these(1. The Winner Online Putlocker more.
Charlotte Bronte: (i) Idealism (ii) Romanticism (iii) Lyricism (iv) Radicalism (v) None of these(1. The Wilde Swans at Coole is first great collection of poems of: (i) W. Lewis (ii) Yeats (iii) E. Sitwell (iv) D. H. Lawrence (v) None of these(1. T. S. Eliot was born in: (i) 1. None of these(1. 8) Jane Eyre was written by: (i) J.
Austen (ii) G. Eliot (iii) C. Bronte (iv) Emile Bronte (v) None of these(1. Ophelia, Julia, Viola, Imogen are the characters created by: (i) Richardson (ii) Fielding (iii) Hardy (iv) Shakespeare (v) None of these.
Mathematics MCQs Educators Science and Arts Entry Test 2. Phase- I, Phase- II(1) The additive group of integers has: (a) 3 quotient groups of order 2 each(b) 5 quotient groups of order 5 each(c) one quotient groups of order 5(d) None of these(2) Let Q and Z be the additive groups of rationals and integers respectively. Then thegroup Q/Z: (a) is cyclic (b) is a finite group(c) has no element of order 6 (d) None of these(3) Every field contains more than: (a) one element (b) three element(c) two element (d) None of these(4) Suppose A,B are matrices such that AB exists and is zero matrix.
Then: (a) a must be zero matrix (b) B must be zero matrix(c) Neither A nor B needs be zero matrix(d) None of these(5) The unit matrix of order n has rank: (a) zero (b) n(c) 1 (d) None of these(6) Let V be the real vector space of all functions on R to R, and let A = {x. Sin x}. Then: (a) A spans V (b) A is linearly independent(c) A is linearly dependent (d) None of these(7) If the matrix equation AX = 0, where A is an n´ n matrix, has a non- trivial solution,then: (a) determinant A is zero (b) Matrix A is non- singular(c) determinant A is non zero (d) None of these(8) Let Jn denote the ring of integers mod n. Then: (a) J6 is a field (b) J5 is a field(c) J8 is an integral domain (d) None of these(1. The rectangular coordinates of the point with spherical coordinates (6,6. P, 6. P) are: (a) (6,0,0) (b) (0,6,0)(c) (0,0,6) (d) None of these(1. The only space curve whose curvature and torsion are both constant is: (a) parabola (b) a circular helix(c) a circle (d) None of these(1.
If the torsion at all points of a curve is zero, then the curve is: (a) a helix (b) a straight line(c) all in one plane (d) None of these(1. Watch Demon Tongue 4Shared on this page. Let G be a group of order 1. Then: (a) G is no cyclic (b) G is non abelian(c) G is commutative (d) None of these(1. If V is n- dimensional vector spaces, then any set of n+1 vectors in V is: (a) linearly dependent (b) linearly independent(c) a basis of V (d) None of these(1. If f : V — W is a linear map of an n- dimensional vector space V onto W, then: (a) dim W = dim Ker f + dim V(b) dim Ker f + dim W = dim V(c) Dim Ker f = dim W(d) None of these(1. If determinant A = 2, then: (a) A4 = 1. A5 = 3. 2(c) A6 = 6.
None of these. Computer Science Main MCQs Educators Science and Arts Entry Test 2. In cyber crimes,(A) The computer is a tool ( B ) The computer is a target ( C ) Both (A) and ( B ) (D) Neither (A) nor ( B ) Ans: C Which of the following is not an operating system?(A) Linux ( B ) Mozilla( C ) Macintosh (D) Windows Ans: B Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using(A) Adobe Photoshop ( B ) Excel ( C ) Notepad (D) Power Point Ans: B Nod 3. Norton and Panda are(A) Search engines ( B ) Operating Systems( C ) Antivirus software (D) Internet browsers Ans: C EDUCOMP(A) Reaches out to the entire education cycle – preschool toddlers to post graduate students( B ) Delivers the core curriculum subjects at school and college levels as well as vocational and employability skills( C ) Empowers with IT education and IT enabled learning(D) All of the above Ans: D Identify a web browser from the following(A) Yahoo ( B ) Internet Explorer ( C ) Bing (D) Duck. Duck. Go Ans: BWhich is not a social networking site? (A) Google Plus ( B ) Wink ( C ) Linked. In (D) Buzz Ans: B Which of the following is a wrong direction to guard against a ‘Phishing’ attack? (A) Log on to a site by typing the proper URL in the address bar ( B ) Ensure that the URL of the login page starts with http: // and not https: // ( C ) Give user id and password only at authenticated login page (D) Look for the lock sign/icon and verisign certificate Ans: B Which of the following is not suitable for preparation of learning materials?
A) NETLOG ( B ) ERIC( C ) PROQUEST (D) UTUBE Ans: ANimbuz, Pidgin and Trillion are software used for(A) Blogging ( B ) Chatting( C ) Surfing (D) All of the above Ans: BWWWW, in computer parlance, stands for (A) World Wide Web Worm ( B ) World Wide Wildlife Web( C ) World Wide Women’s Web (D) World Wide Women’s Week. Ans: A One kilobyte (KB) is equal to(A) 1. B ) 1. 02. 4 bytes ( C ) 1. D) 1. 02. 3 bytes Ans: BOne megabyte (MB) is equal to (A) 1. B ) 1. 00. 0 bytes( C ) 1.
D) 1. 02. 4 kilobytes Ans: D One Gigabyte (GB) is equal to (A) 1. B ) 2. 04. 8 megabytes ( C ) 2. D) 1. 02. 4 megabytes Ans: D8 bits forms a(A) byte ( B ) nibble( C ) kilobyte (D) None of the above Ans: AThe Institution set up by the Government of India to provide computer based information services to government departments (A) C- DIT ( B ) CDAC ( C ) NIC (D) DOEACC Ans: C Information Communication Technology (ICT) involves primarily (A) Enrichment of existing knowledge ( B ) Installation of equipments( C ) Storage and communication of information(D) Use of technology for teaching Ans: C For use of ICT, teachers should be familiar with(A) Programming ( B ) Browsing( C ) Planning (D) Handling of audio- visual aids Ans: B Cloud computing means(A) Computing using the satellite( B ) Computing using cloud chamber technology ( C ) Computing which results in errors(D) Shifting computing power from offline PCs and Laptops onto the Web Ans: DURL is a term associated with (A) Computer hardware ( B ) Internet ( C ) Laser printer (D) Fax Ans: B 1 GB is equal to (A) 1.
KB ( B ) 1. 07. 37. KB ( C ) 1. 04. 85. KB (D) 1. 00. 00.